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Grow Green With Us!

On February 4, 2025, the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority (EWSWA) turned over a new leaf - and a green one at that! The EWSWA hosted a "Grow Green With Us" event celebrating 2025, as it brings a “New Focus”, a “New Look” and a “New Green Bin!"  EWSWA Vice Chair, Mr. Gary Kaschak, City of Windsor Councillor, shared that, “It is an exciting time at the EWSWA as we continue to expand their programming and focus so that we can all be more responsible in managing our solid waste or garbage.”

Driving the switch to the new focus were legislative changes such as: the transition of the Blue Box and other waste diversion programs from municipalities to producers in 2024, as well as the launch of a new residential Green Bin Program in Essex-Windsor in the fall of 2025. The new Green Bin Program could have lasting effects on generations to come, as almost 50% of residential garbage set-out is food waste and organics (as per the 2022/23 Residential Curbside Waste Audit).  

If residents use the Green Bin Program as well as they use the Blue Box program, it will preserve the Region’s greatest asset and the only active landfill, the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill. According to the EWSWA Board Chair, Mr. Gary McNamara, Town of Tecumseh Mayor, “By extending the life of this landfill, it spares all of us taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, the multitude of issues with citing a new landfill in communities, as well as it is just the right thing to do for the region we live in!” 

It is important for residents to stay connected to the EWSWA as valuable information regarding the Green Bin Program will be pushed via social media, the Recycle Coach App, and the website. The Recycle Coach App, which is a free download, will feature up-to-date information on the Green Bin Program including delivery schedules on when Green Bin Kits (Green Bins, Kitchen Catchers, information, etc.) will be delivered to Phase 1 homes (Essex, Lakeshore, LaSalle, Tecumseh and Windsor) this summer.

Looking For Ways To Reduce Food Waste Now? 

The Green Bin Program is launching in the fall of 2025 to Phase 1 municipalities, but Phase 2 municipalities (Amhersburg, Kingsville, and Leamington) won't receive their Green Bins until fall 2026, and currently the Green Bin Program is not legislated for multi-residential buildings - so how do you reduce food waste right now?

Reducing food waste is easy to do and there are many options to do so. Check out some of the following:

You can also make use of our Drop Off Depots to dispose of garden waste and yard waste:

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