Pharmaceuticals & Sharps
Pharmaceuticals and Sharps are considered hazardous waste when not disposed of or recycled properly. Local pharmacies are required by legislation to take back expired medication (pain meds, birth control pills or medication from vacations, antibiotics, etc.), as well as used sharps (used sharps for yourself, family, pets, etc.).
When you drop off your medications and sharps, you'll not only ensure they're disposed of properly – you'll also keep them out of the wrong hands, preventing abuse or accidental ingestion, and needle stick injuries – and protecting the environment in the process.
Refer to the Health Products Stewardship Association (HPSA) for more information.
Should your local pharmacy not accept your pharmaceuticals or sharps, please contact the Health Unit at 519-258-2146 to notify them of this situation. The Health Unit will follow up with the pharmacy in non-compliance.
To find out what constitutes pharmaceuticals and sharps, refer to: Ontario Regulation 298/12 - Collection of Pharmaceuticals and Sharps

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Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority
360 Fairview Avenue West, Suite 211
Essex, ON N8M 3G4
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