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We are a consumer-driven society, and recycling converts the things we would have quickly disposed of into new items. It also prevents air and ground pollution, as well as the release of greenhouse gases that results from unnecessarily dumping waste in the local Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill.

Three Reasons to Recycle:

  1. Preserves Natural Resources: Recycling items rather than using raw materials to make new things preserves the planet’s natural resources which, in the face of population growth and growing demand, won’t last forever.
  2. Saves Energy: Recycling materials uses less energy than extracting, processing, and transporting raw materials to make new products.
  3. Waste Reduction: Recycling more reduces the amount of waste we send to landfill. 

But recycling does much more than this. You might think that simply putting your plastic bottles, cardboard, and/or aluminium cans in your recycle box every two weeks doesn’t make that much of a difference, but all efforts together make a difference. To understand the impact of your efforts to recycle, take a read of the Annual Waste Diversion Report.


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