- Antifreeze
- Ballasts (Windsor Depot Only)
- Batteries
- Cleaners
- Cooking Oil (leftover)
- Detergents
- Fertilizers
- Fire Extinguishers
- Flea Collars / Sprays
- Fluorescent Lights
- Fuels
- Fungicides
Household Hazardous Materials

Residents of Essex-Windsor are regularly visiting EWSWA Depots to properly dispose of household hazardous waste as the majority of materials are free of charge to drop off and they know it is safely recycled/disposed of by the EWSWA. Visit one of EWSWA’s three Depots to safely drop off any household hazardous waste that you no longer can use.
Simple Tips to Dropping Off Hazardous Materials at a Depot
- Just grab a cardboard box and set aside any household hazardous materials (in their original container) that you no longer need. When the box is full, drop it off at one of EWSWA’s Depots - free of charge.
- Customers can drop off two 20 litre pails (2 x 20L) of hazardous waste per visit to an EWSWA Depot.
Small Businesses
Small business can drop off hazardous waste at the Public Drop Off Depot and Transfer Station #2 by appointment only – tipping fees and limits will apply. Call 1-800-563-3377 to make an appointment.
Accepted Materials (A-Z)
Household Hazardous Waste FAQS
Why Can’t I Pour Hazardous Waste Down the Drain or Sewer?
When toxic products are disposed of improperly (i.e. as litter, or poured down storm drains, or kitchen sinks), they have the potential to leach into the ground, become air borne, or contaminate our local watersheds and pose significant risk to humans and wildlife. Toxins can be absorbed through the air we breathe, the water we drink, and our skin.
Many commonly used products that we encounter daily in our homes are considered very toxic or hazardous to our ecosystem when they are disposed of improperly – for example household cleaners, paints, pesticides, etc.
These products are known as hazardous waste. So, it is extremely important for all homeowners to remember that once they are finished with a household chemical product, the "leftover or unused portion" should never be thrown in the garbage, poured down the kitchen sink or a neighbourhood storm drain. Instead, this hazardous material can be dropped off at an EWSWA Depot - free of charge.
Consider the products you are purchasing. It is preferable to buy "environmentally-friendly' products or use safer alternatives. If you must purchase hazardous products employ the BUD principle:
Buy only what you need;
Use it all up;
Dispose of any leftovers in the proper manner.
Contact Us
Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority
360 Fairview Avenue West, Suite 211
Essex, ON N8M 3G4
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