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Green Bin

The EWSWA is introducing a new Green Bin program in fall 2025. The Green Bin Program launches in the City of Windsor, and the following County of Essex municipalities in 2025: Essex, Lakeshore, LaSalle and Tecumseh. Amherstburg, Kingsville and Leamington are currently scheduled to launch in 2026 as a result of direction from the County of Essex.

The EWSWA will update this page as more information about Green Bin program is confirmed. Stay tuned!

Green Bin Program FAQs: Green Bin FAQ's Sheet

What Is A Green Bin Program?

Curbside collection for a Green Bin Program is similar to a Blue/Red Box Recycling Program. Residents will be able to set-out their food waste such as fruit and vegetable skins, meat and chicken, spoiled leftovers, and other food waste in a "Green Bin" cart for collection - the cart will be provided by the EWSWA. 

Organic materials such as food scraps, spoiled food, and soiled paper(from food) can make up nearly half of our residential garbage by weight. Using your Green Bin by properly sorting your food waste helps the Essex-Windsor region to:

  • Reduce greenhouse gases from methane gas that is created when organic material breaks down in our Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill
  • Turn waste into a new resource that feeds local farms and soils
  • Extend the life of our Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill by keeping organic materials from unnecessarily taking up landfill space

For some quick tips to "Grow Green With Us" and keep valuable resources out of the garbage refer to our Food Waste page.

Acceptable Materials / Green Bin Program

The Green Bins Program will accept a variety of materials including food scraps, "food soiled" paper products and a few other materials. 

The use of compostable bag liners is also accepted. 

Green Bin FAQS

The Green Bin program will ensure that Essex-Windsor is complying with Ontario's Food and Organic Waste Policy Statement under Section 11 of the 2016 Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (collectively "The Organics Provincial Policy Statement" or "OPPS"). The OPPS requires municipalities in Essex-Windsor to achieve specific reduction and recovery target rates by 2025:

  • City of Windsor: Provide curbside collection of food and organic waste to single-family dwellings in an urban settlement area and to achieve a target rate of reduction of 70%;
  • Amherstburg, LaSalle, Leamington and Tecumseh: Provide collection (through a public drop-off depot or community composting area or curbside collection) of food and organic waste to single-family dwellings in an urban settlement area and to achieve a target rate of reduction of 50%;
  • Essex, Kingsville, and Lakeshore: These municipalities are not required to attain specific food and organic waste reduction rates based on their population and population densities.

The Green Bin is an important program that supports both the City of Windsor's Corporate Climate Action Plan and the County of Essex Climate Change goals. 

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