Composting and Digesting
A regular bag of household garbage typically is said to contain approximately 40% of food waste. Composting and digesting are simple ways to reduce food waste at home.

What is Composting?
Composting is the process of turning food and yard waste into nutrient-rich soil. Adding compost to your lawn, gardens, and landscaping helps your grass and plants grow. You can make compost at home by installing and using a backyard composter.
Learn more about the Backyard Composter.

What is Digesting?
Leftover food scraps on your plate can be digested using a Green Cone Digester. The Green Cone Digester turns food scraps into a nutrient-rich liquid. This processed may need to be enhanced by using an accelerator which is a powdered form of bacteria which ‘digests’ your food scraps.
Learn more about Green Cone Digesting.
Where to Buy Backyard Composters and Green Cone Digesters
The Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority sells Backyard Composters and Green Cone Digesters at local Home Hardware Stores.
Compost Sales
The Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority receives many tonnes of yard waste every year. The yard waste is composted into our fantastic Garden Gold Compost. You can buy Garden Gold Compost in bags, bulk or delivery.
If you are not already, find out how you can contribute to the EWSWA Garden Gold Compost program, by simply setting your yard waste out at the curb for your scheduled residential program. Your municipality will have more information about yard waste collection.
Contact Us
Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority
360 Fairview Avenue West, Suite 211
Essex, ON N8M 3G4
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