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Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill

The EWSWA is very excited to welcome visitors and contractors to it’s greatest asset the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill.  To preserve this asset and ensure every visitor is safe and using the facility properly, all users must abide by the EWSWA Landfill Policies. Prior to using the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill and the Essex Depot, please review the site policies.

Landfill Drop Off Materials

Please review the materials below to ensure that you are familiar with what is and isn't accepted at the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill. 

Accepted Materials / Disposal Fees

The Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill accepts the following types of materials from commercial haulers:

  • Industry, Commercial & Industrial Refuse/Garbage
  • Tree Trimmings / Brush / Grass / Leaves (dedicated loads for composting)
  • Vines/Rockwool / Coco - see below for more information
  • Asbestos (by appointment only, must be a licensed M.O.E. Hauler)

Restricted Materials

The Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill does NOT accept  the following types of materials:

  • Radioactive Waste
  • Biomedical Waste
  • Unidentified Chemical Waste
  • Industrial/Commercial Chemical Waste

If you wish to dispose of a restricted material, please refer to the Public Drop Off (Windsor) or Transfer Station #2 (Kingsville) for a listing of acceptable materials at these sites.

The EWSWA has implemented a number of waste bans or restrictions at the site that does not allow the landfilling of: tires, old clean corrugated cardboard, white goods, brush, grass and leaves. Most of these items are instead diverted to our on-site Regional Recycling Depot that includes the site’s Compost Pad area. Materials that are dropped off at the Regional Recycling Depot are recycled and yard waste is composted at the onsite compost pad resulting in the wonderful Garden Gold Compost.  

Vines / Rockwool / Coco

Greenhouse vines and growing medium will only be accepted at the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The ‘special’ disposal fee is applicable to vines and growing medium (e.g. Rockwool, “Coco”) generated by the local greenhouse industry.

  • Vine loads with 20% or more contamination will be invoiced at the Industrial/Commercial/Institutional (I/C/I) disposal rate. Please refer the Business Fee Schedule page for more information. 

  • All trucks must be equipped with front and rear tow hooks.
  • Containers/trucks must be leak proof to avoid spills.
  • Haulers must be Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks approved or have a Waste Management Systems Certificate.
  • Trucks must follow the designated haul route to and from the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill. The designated haul route is Arner Town Line to County Road 18 then west to the landfill.
  • Vines shall be ground.
  • Extremely smelly vine loads will not be accepted.
  • All waste loads are subject to daily inspections.
  • The EWSWA reserves the right to discontinue accepting vine loads due to operational concerns or limitations.

Any other waste, aside from vines/growing medium, generated by greenhouse operations is not eligible for the “special” rate and will be assessed the regular disposal feePlease refer to the Business Fee Schedule page for more information.

Examples of other greenhouse waste includes, but is not limited to: plastic, drip tape, fruits, vegetables and any other waste material that is not a vine or growing medium.

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